Some day, this will be a " for web fiction" (both original and fanfiction) where you can search across many different hosting sites or rate what you've read and get recommendations. However, life keeps throwing more urgent projects my way, so I don't know when it'll be ready.

Story Rating: 5 stars
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"He needs a name," Harry said, just to see what the snake would say. "What do you think?"

"A name?" Harry remembered the conversation they'd had back when he offered a name to his snake. "A word used to describe and label someone so that they can be differentiated from others…" Clearly his snake remembered as well. "You should call it-"

What followed was a long string of meanings that Harry didn't think would actually translate into English. He caught most of it, though, and it was all very crude.

"I'm not calling him that!" Harry snickered. "I don't think I could even repeat all that properly."

The snake reared back, tilted her head toward Harry's ear, and said it all again, slowly. This time, Harry caught several key phrases, including 'scaleless egg thief' and 'two-legged pile of shed skin".

"Right," Harry said. He gave the bird a reassuring smile as he shifted. He was probably uncomfortable with all the hissing. "Definitely not calling him that. Be nice."

"I will not," the snake said, stubbornly. "It wants to eat me. Tell it I'm watching it."

"I can't talk to him like I can talk to you," Harry told her. "I don't speak bird language."

Harry's snake made a satisfied sound and coiled around his neck, preening. "Good."

Magical Relations, Chapter 42

Collection Size: 43642 entries (Last Updated: Mon Oct 17 22:44:07 2022)

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